Arsenic Removal Filters
    | Arsenic is a known carcinogen increasing the risk of cancer even at very low concentrations. Arsenic occurs naturally in many groundwaters throughout the USA less commonly in surface waters. With the recent passage of new limits restricting arsenic levels in potable water many public water supplies require arsenic reduction prior to use.
Although there are many treatment technologies available for arsenic reduction one of the simplest methods is to use an arsenic selective adsorbent media.
These filters provides effective Arsenic reduction by utilizing advanced media technology of ASM-10-HP Arsenic selective media has unsurpassed capacity and is effective over the entire pH range of potable water. In cartridge form these Arsenic Removal filters are an ideal choice for POU applications requiring EPA compliance of less than 10 ppb of arsenic. Series Overview - These cartridges are double-open end cartridges that fit standard residential and industrial housings. Cartridges are available in 2-1/2'' and 4-1/2'' diameters and 10'' and 20'' lengths. Using premium Resintech media and offering oversized cartridge cavities These filter cartridges provide the best in water purification and filtration. More information about Arsenic |
Discontinued Items - Filters, Operation Manuals and Parts may still be available.
Click catalog number for more info
RTF-10-3695 - ASM-10-HP Arsenic Removal
RTF-10-3695-BB - ASM-10-HP Arsenic Removal
RTF-20-3695 - ASM-10-HP Arsenic Removal
RTF-20-3695-BB - ASM-10-HP Arsenic Removal