Clack Meter Based Water Softening Systems
    | The Clack 1" electronic valves was designed with the water treatment professional
in mind and incorporates many features that were a direct result of feedback from customers.
The valves are manufactured from composite plastics and are designed to provide
high flow rates up to 227 gpm over a wide range of applications. The Clack valve also
features state-of-the-art electronics and programming software.
Softeners include Clack electronic meter or time clock valve 3/4" tube adapters
(1" on 80000 grain systems and above) polyglass mineral tank charcoal 15" x 17" x 36" brine
tank (except as noted) with air check and standard mesh resin.
General Water Softener Specifications All about water hardness and water softeners How to select a water softener Replacement Control Heads Replacement Resin Great Tool Water Softener Calculator |
Discontinued Items - Filters, Operation Manuals and Parts may still be available.
Click catalog number for more info
CT-210B-C2450 - C SERIES 1-1/4 High Flow Water Softening W/ Standard Resin
CT-210-TA-C2450 - C Series 1-1/4 Twin Alternating Water Softening W/ Standard Resin
CT-80B-C1840 - C SERIES 1-1/4 High Flow Water Softening W/ Standard Resin
CT-80-TA-C1840 - C Series 1-1/4 Twin Alternating Water Softening W/ Standard Resin