Manganese greensand is capable of removing up to 15 gpm of iron and manganese, 5 ppm of hydrogen sulfide. Ph must be between 6.2 and 8.8. Must be regenerated with potassium permanganate.
Technical Data *Must be ordered in buckets for quantities less that 10 Ft3
An alternative media to Manganese Greensand for the removal of iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide, with a weight of 27 lbs. Per cubic foot. Must be regenerated with potassium permanganate.
*Must be ordered in buckets for quantities less that 10 Ft3
Brim is used to remove dissolved iron and manganese. The Ph must be above 6.8 and dissolved oxygen content must be equal to 15% of the iron and manganese content. No regeneration is required, only periodic backwashing. Technical Data
*Must be ordered in buckets for quantities less that 10 Ft3
PYROLOX - Removes Rotten Egg Smell, Iron and Manganese
For iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide removal, No regenerates required, backwash only. Will not remove orange iron, tannins or sulphur bacteria. Sold in 50 pound bags only.
Multi-Blended Media packages provide the proper mix for many filter applications. No longer will you have the waste of time and effort that it takes to get the proper minerals and mix the together. Iron Blend, a combination of Filter Ag and Birm, is the standard media for our Terminator System. Aqua Blend combines Filter Ag, Birm, Calcite, and Corosex and is the standard media in our Terminator Plus Systems.