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Millipore court ordered to stop using lock out tags and software
The Commercial Court of LIEGE (Tribunal de Commerce de LIEGE) ruled a fair competition case against Merck Millipore in favour of the plaintiff on April 13th 2017. Key point of the ruling is that:
The RFID identification of some Millipore systems that temporarily blocks the systems and make it necessary to follow a unlocking procedure when using a consumable from a third party is contrary to fair market practices and may harm legitimate business interests as it constitutes disparagement. Consequently, Merck has been ordered to cease such acts.
This is a joint case by RephiLe Bioscience and Analis, a reputable laboratory equipment distributor in Belgium.
"We are very pleased with the judgement in this case", noted Dr. Telis Dimitrakopoulos, President - Europe of RephiLe Bioscience Ltd. "We always stand behind our claims and our partners. MERCK is ordered to cease disparaging its competitors by using a software on some of its systems that dissuades using our consumables. We will now follow up with this judgement".
Replacement filters for Millipore Water Systems can be found here :
Replacement Filters for Millipore Water Systems
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